Minimally Invasive Bunion Correction
Minimally invasive bunion surgery utilizes the most up-to-date technology and surgical techniques to minimize our patients' recovery time. Minimally invasive bunion correction reduces the size of the incision site, swelling experienced after surgery, and overall recovery time. You can be back on your foot within days with reduced weight bearing. Total recovery time is 3-4 weeks, as opposed to 3 months in traditional bunion correction.
What is a Bunion?
A bunion is a bump on the base of the big toe that forms when the bones of the big toe joint move out of position. Bunions may be small at first, but they often get larger over time. They can make walking painful.
A bunion may be caused by:
Wearing narrow or pointed shoes that force the big toe to press against the other toes.
Abnormal foot development that causes the foot to roll inward (pronate).
Changes in the foot that are caused by certain diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or polio.
A foot injury.
Minimally Invasive Bunion Correction
Minimally invasive bunion surgery utilizes the most up-to-date technology and surgical techniques to minimize our patients' recovery time. Minimally invasive bunion correction reduces the size of the incision site, swelling experienced after surgery, and overall recovery time. You can be back on your foot within days with reduced weight bearing. Total recovery time is 3-4 weeks, as opposed to 3 months in traditional bunion correction.
Prior to Surgery
Surgical Incisions
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